Thursday, September 21, 2006

Wait wait wait, I'm confused.

If a boy calls you at 11:30 telling you he has feelings for you, and you tell him you'll talk to him later because you're really tired, does that count as shooting him down?
And if two weeks go by and he doesn't say anything else about it, is that because he feels rejected?
What do I do?
Maybe Ashley was right. Crap. I'm a jerk.

Anyways, I'm watching the premier of The Office tonight with him, and he is just too cool, because he has a Dwight bobblehead. And two guys in my Spanish class told me I look like Pam, which I don't really see, but I'll take it.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ashley doesn't know how to eat

Or, at least she doesn't ever buy food. Last night she calls me and says "Can you make something for dinner? I'm STARVING." So I go to the refrigerator and there is cheddarella cheese, tortillas, lettuce, and some pickles. In the cabinet there is nothing but rice and LIFE cereal. Seriously, I need something a little more substantial than that. I can cook, but that requires ingredients. And imaginary foods don't count. I don't think she got the memo about not living in a third world country.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

This one's for Bethany....

Because she was urging me to major in Anthropology, and I thought it might be a good idea. I just found out that there is an Anthropology major here that is specifically for double-majors, so it requires less hours, and I could do it with Spanish. How fun is that?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I love you, Emily

In case anyone was wondering, I am a great driver. So great, in fact, that I drove to Houston and back twice this last weekend. Once to see my sisters and neices (who are, by the way, SO CUTE) and once to get the wallet that I conveniently left in Houston that I needed in order to get on my plane Monday. And when I called my friend Emily to see if I could crash at her house for the night when I came back to get my wallet, she said, "Lindsey, are you SURE you left your wallet on accident?" I was sure, but I am also sure glad I did, because Emily is a ton of fun, and that allowed me to spend a day with her. I also convinced her that it would be great fun to come to BYU and live with me. Speaking of BYU, I'm back in dirty little Provo, enjoying my classes, avoiding work, and trying to test out of Physical Science.