Thursday, September 21, 2006

Wait wait wait, I'm confused.

If a boy calls you at 11:30 telling you he has feelings for you, and you tell him you'll talk to him later because you're really tired, does that count as shooting him down?
And if two weeks go by and he doesn't say anything else about it, is that because he feels rejected?
What do I do?
Maybe Ashley was right. Crap. I'm a jerk.

Anyways, I'm watching the premier of The Office tonight with him, and he is just too cool, because he has a Dwight bobblehead. And two guys in my Spanish class told me I look like Pam, which I don't really see, but I'll take it.


MOM THE BOMB said...

Maybe I'm a bobblehead but who's Pam?

Lindsey said...

Pam is a girl from the show. She's so cool, because she looks like me.