Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My summer (the beginnings)

Here I am with Ashley at her graduation. Four (or more) years of tests and lectures and all people want to do is take pictures and sit through a boring ceremony. Seriously, who invented graduations?

After a tiring day of shopping, Emily, mom, and I went to the Cheesecake Factory. I bought 2 shirts from Anthropoligie, one of which I'm wearing in this picture. Poodle would be proud. I have to say, I'm much more willing to buy there when it's on mom's bill.

Caroline thought my cowboy hat was way too much fun.

You might think that I'd wear cowboy boots in Texas. Wrong! These are none other than my dewberry-picking boots. Sexy knee-high rubber ones. This way I can stomp all though the thorns and not get hurt.

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