Thursday, March 20, 2008


For my next ceramics project, I have to do a bust. It also has to be of someone I know and it must include an object or symbol that represents the person. So, I thought of some ideas that I could do that would be fun.

Dad, wearing a huge sombrero, possibly with a mexistache.
Mom, with a stethoscope. And a box of chocolates.
Bethany holding a uterus in one hand. It was the most appropriate thing I could come up with, considering her profession.
Brother, holding a Texas flag.
Poodle, with a poodle.
I couldn't think of anything good for Fernash since a mouth is already included.
Bexar, with a rolling pin, and a baby, and she would probably be laughing.

Brandon wants us to do each other so that we can put the busts on our fireplace when we're old.


Bexie Funk said...

shady you are hilarious. I think dad's would be the most funny.

MOM THE BOMB said...

You could just make Ashley's mouth a little bigger to emphasize her traits. Dad says that´s the best comment he's heard about Ashley in years.