Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Lately Brandon has been encouraging me to exercise. No, he doesn't think I'm fat, he just knows that I feel much better about myself when I do, and he is all about self-esteem. Last night he was coming up with suggestions of things I could do (he even offered to work out with me), but nothing seemed to work. It gets dark at no later than 5:00 this time of year and rains all the time, so that eliminates anything outdoors. And our apartment is too small for just about anything-- I was going to have him teach me ju jitsu (he took a class last semester) but we don't have any open floor space. In fact, we hardly have enough space for me to lie down to do crunches. And anything involving running or jumping would make our neighbors downstairs really hate us. I told Brandon that if he got me a dog, I would happily take it on walks for hours a day, rain or shine. But that's out of the question, too. So I'm going to ask Bexar, since she seems to be the queen of working out, how do you do it? Because I can't seem to do anything.

Thanks, mommy, I fixed my spelling errors.


MOM THE BOMB said...

Get an exercise buddy! By the way, spelling champ, you misspelled exercise.

Bexie Funk said...

thanks for thinking i'm the queen bee at exercising but i don't think that's the case. i'll call you.

Lindsey said...

Thanks, Bexie! I'll get Brandon to help me pick out a good workout video. Maybe they still sell richard simmons. (just kidding)