Wednesday, December 10, 2008

There goes my incentive

It is no longer beneficial for me to work a closing shift at work. The Cougareat changed their policies and employees are no longer allowed to take home leftover food after closing. This officially sucks.


Bexie Funk said...

so they throw it away or sell it the next day? both are crapy ideas.

Lindsey said...

They throw it away. We have some stuff that we sell the next day, but we were never allowed to take that home.

MOM THE BOMB said...

And just before finals week when you'll be working so much! Terrible idea to deprive starving students and throw good food away.

Syclist said...

that's the worst policy change I've heard in a long time. bummer!

bethy said...


rmreed said...

who cares, just take it home anyways. like they are going to fire you.