Saturday, September 25, 2010

Discovery Green with Reed

Today Reed came to visit and we went to Discovery Green park. Since Violet now walks, she had a great time splashing through the fountains. Here are some pics:
All wet with daddy
Being a mommy's girl And one of my favorite pictures of Violet and Reed. Thanks for visiting!
This picture was taken especially for Jennifer, since no one else will really get it. If you ever have a bad day, just remember that I destroyed that ugly print and the frame is going to good use.
This picture is old but hilarious. A few weeks ago I was sitting on the floor and kneading some dough for calzones. I left it for a few minutes and when I got back I found that Violet had pulled it out of the bowl and was chomping into it. Nasty.


All Handleys on Deck! said...

That park looks so fun!! And the picture of Violet eating the dough... that's hilarious!!

Sara said...

It's so funny when little kids get into food. I love it! And that park makes me really jealous. I bet Violet had so much fun! I can't believe she's walking!

Graytoppop said...

Great Fun!! And I'll be there in a week to share in it all!!

Bexie Funk said...

what a cute picture of her and mom! and i love bread but eating dough is pretty nasty.

Jennifer said...

hahaha!! oh my goodness. a very fitting way to deal with that print. thank you for a good dose of much needed therapy. i am also happy to help destroy the print further if needed. :)