Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Potty train... or not.

My mom just bought Violet a toddler potty.  She seems so ready to start training on it. Sure, having only one child in diapers at a time would be great.  But sometimes I wonder if she is really ready for this-- or if I am really ready for it.

Here's an example: This morning she wanted to use her potty.  So I let her sit on it and after 10 minutes when she started playing around I told her she needed to put her diaper back on.  She would NOT let me put it on and kept saying, "No, more pee pee!" I'm beginning to think that she just likes the excuse to be naked.  Later she was playing around it and she took out the inner seat (the pee-catcher, if you will) and put it on her head and said, "Hat!  Hat!"  Luckily there was nothing in it.  Is it selfish to not want to start this ordeal yet? I heard that most babies revert back to diapers once a sibling is born anyways.  And I doubt they make panties small enough to fit her butt. Well, I'm sure she'll be ready soon, but I'll wait until she stops putting it on her head.


Bexie Funk said...

i think most kids her age start to be interested in the potty at her age but that doesn't mean she's ready. i like to wait until they're older and its way easier.

Graytoppop said...

But Biolet does have the idea!!