Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Can I scream now?

Good news.  Violet has a room again.
Bad news: we don't.  Unless you count the living room, which I don't.
Hot water is also gone.
We were up till 3 AM soaking up the water in the room.
Our entire closet is now in our hallway.
And I JUST got back into my pre-pregnancy jeans, so I promised myself no emotional eating.
This is gonna be rough.
don't mind the horizontal pictures


Ashley Erin said...

you need to STOP paying rent. That will get your landlord's attention.

Lindsey said...

he has someone coming tomorrow morning. it will get fixed. it just sucks.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Come stay with me!

Joel & Megan said...

so so sorry!!! Hang in there. Here's hoping you can get a new place...for FREE! :)

Bexie Funk said...

that sucks. i really hope a new place opens up soon.