Saturday, February 09, 2013

Bike rides!

We are officially outgrowing our apartment.  I know that we moved into it just a year ago, and I am still grateful that we were able to find this place, but I honestly don't understand how people have more than one child in a place with two bedrooms and no yard.  Anyways, since we will be here for at least another year, we have had to find ways to make things fun.  So last week Brandon had the fabulous idea of dusting off his bike, and Charlie went for his first bike ride.  Look at this cute face, he loved it! 

 I just want to kiss this little face all day.  Speaking of cuteness, Charlie loves playing with his belly button.  When he is tired, he will sit or lay on the floor, pull up his shirt, and just poke his belly button while he watches us.

I also took the kids to Discovery Green last week.  Our visit coincided with an elementary school group who   followed Violet and Charlie around the whole time, commenting on how cute Charlie is and how pretty Violet's hair is.  And they did look cute, so I took some pictures.  And any time I get antsy about being stuck in a small house, I can look at these pictures and forget about where we live.


MOM THE BOMB said...

That's a great picture of Charlie!

browniemom said...

Cutes picture of little Charlie! That should be in a photo contest! Glad you can get out and about.

Bexie Funk said...

We had 3 kids with no yard. You have to get creative. Didn't violet cry on her first bike ride?

Graytoppop said...

I'll bet if I took Charlie for a ride, he would cry like he did when we went down the snow slide. But a great picture!!!