Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Not such a bad year

Today I felt a little burned out. Brandon has been working so hard lately on internships, theses, and job applications that it seems like we've hardly had time to spend together.  Instead of enjoying weekends I now dread them because Brandon is usually still working and I'm still stuck entertaining the kids.  Because of all his thesis papers, his schedule will be like this for the next 9 months.  I could literally grow a human in the time it takes him to finish them.
Tonight I installed dropbox on my computer and it uploaded all of my camera photos.  Looking through all of them reminded me of some moments that I might have otherwise forgotten.  I guess it hasn't been such a bad year after all, and it made me think that maybe this next little while before Brandon finishes school may not be so bad, either.
This year Violet learned how to take selfies on my camera and hasn't stopped since.

I got to go to the Nutcracker with my cute girl.

She took her first gymnastics class-- and loved it.

She spent some quality time with daddy.

I got paid to paint for the first time ever.

I was in an art show.

We spent an hour trying to get home from Costco in a terrible Houston flood.

I spent 6 hours at the DMV and got some seriously weird Salvadorian food while I was waiting.

This moment happened.

And so did this one.  I love them so much.

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