Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One more great story

Okay, so Brandon and I have another pretty good story that happened a long time ago. About a year ago, Brandon and I tried going on a road trip with two of our friends. One of them bailed out at the last minute and the other one wanted to go home when we were still in Idaho. So, we had to turn back and abandon our plans of going to Washington. On the way home, Brandon and I had a conversation that went like this:

Brandon: So what do we do now? I still have the week off for work, and I'm definitely not going back to work when I told them I wouldn't be there.

Me: I'm thinking a tour of southern Utah. I've never been to Arches.

Brandon: Okay, let's leave right when we get back.

So we dropped our friend off in Provo, ate dinner, and headed out an hour later for Moab. But we didn't know where we were staying, since we hadn't bothered to look up any campgrounds before we left. (We're smart.) We got to Moab at around 10:30 PM, so it was completely dark. We finally found a little campground and drove in. Then we saw a sign with an arrow which we thought said "Camping, " So we followed the arrow. This took us into a pile of loose sand. We decided to turn around, but the car was stuck. We had to push it out of the sand for about 20 minutes (which wasn't easy, the sand was really deep) and then push it up a very steep hill to get it back out. Brandon had to tell me to take a walk because I was about to cry. I thought we would have to get it towed. Miraculously, we got it out. So we camped out right where we had come in.

In the morning, we decided to take a look at what we had gotten ourselves into the previous night. Daytime revealed that the pile of sand was surrounded by huge rocks. The sign that we thought said "Camping" actually said "Canyon." And worst of all, we missed the sign that said that it was a level-5 offroading trail.

We're special.

But it was one of the best adventures I've ever been on. Brandon is the only person I've met that has my same love for road trips. He told me all about the geology in Arches and what kinds of rocks were there and why. If you ever go to Arches, or any other place with rocks, bring Brandon. It will make it much more interesting.


MOM THE BOMB said...

That makes me feel great about letting you have a car to drive in Provo. Too bad you're the youngest and can't spoil it for the next one.

BRANDON said...

luckily i have driven in snow before and sand is kind of like snow, kind of.

Graytoppop said...

Young and restless. Don't stay in one place, but don't give too much thought to where you are going, and what you will do once you get there.....

Graytoppop said...

Young and restless. Don't stay in one place, but don't give too much thought to where you are going, and what you will do once you get there.....