Monday, August 11, 2008

The great housing quest

Brandon and I have had all sorts of bad luck finding housing. I think it all started in April with the landlady that made an appointment with me to show an apartment, didn't show up, and when I called back, told me that the apartment I had looked at was never available anyways. So we found a place for the summer, thinking that we would have all summer long to find a place for fall. But alas, we moved to Idaho. There we had a choice between living in a smelly, spider-infested basement and living at Brandon's parents' house. We chose the basement, where we actually killed 20 spiders in one night. Big ones, too. Now we are back in our nice apartment with three weeks to find a place to live. It's hard, considering that apartments are usually gone within a day of being posted. Of course, that's only if you are able to contact the person who posted them. I emailed about one apartment on Saturday and never got a reply, then this morning I found it posted somewhere else with a phone number. I called and nobody answered. Very typical. To get into Wymount, you have to be the first to click on an apartment when they are posted at 4:00. We sat by the computer for 15 minutes before 4:00 today and finally saw a highlighted apartment at 4 on the dot. But by the time Brandon clicked on it, someone had already gotten to it. It was gone in literally less than a second.

As you can probably tell, I'm pretty frustrated about the whole thing. Hopefully this will be over within a few days.


Graytoppop said...

Mom and I lived in Orem for a few years. We really liked the place. I rode the bus to campus in the morning....

Lindsey said...

Yeah, we are actually starting to look at places in Springville because they're $50-$100 cheaper per month, and bus passes are only $80 per year.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Not a bad idea.

Bexie Funk said...

oh the joy of living in provo!