Lane, Brandon, and McKay is buried in the mud. I was mostly with them all day.
McKay emerging from the sand.
We played king of the tube until Lane elbowed me in the face. Ouch--bloody nose.
Then we rode a giant banana behind the boat.
On our way home, McKay and Lane were really excited about asking me questions about girls and McKay named me his official dating advisor. I think someone should write a book about McKay, because he's one of the most interesting people I know. He once lived in a tent for the entire month of January for some really dumb reason. He wears basketball shorts under all of his clothes (even to church) so that he can be as comfortable as possible. However, I didn't know this at first, so on my first Sunday in Idaho, I was a little freaked out when McKay started to take his pants off in front of me. A few nights ago he tried to chase the skunk that I found in his garage because he wanted to say that he's been sprayed by a skunk. To his disappointment, the skunk just ran away.
Anyways, now I am back in Provo trying to find a place to live. Brandon and I have three weeks to find a place for the fall, and for married couples, that is pretty hard.
i'm glad you had fun your last week. good luck finding a place to iive!
But it seems to me that basketball shorts worn under other clothing would not be very comfortable.....
i'm doing research on my future spouse's family before i say yes.
Ashley, McKay wants to take you on a date.
Tell McKay that if he HAD caught the skunk, he would have been sleeping in the tent again for a month.
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