Monday, September 22, 2008

Our marriage

For Sunday school Brandon and I have been going to the newlyweds class. Yesterday we were supposed to write down things that each of us brought to the relationship. I looked at Brandon's paper and he had written, "I bring the frontal lobes to the relationship. Shady brings the amygdala." I think he's been listening to Mom too much.

And for those who are wondering, Brandon does call me Shady-- quite possibly more often than he calls me Lindsey.


MOM THE BOMB said...

Way to go, Brandon!

Lindsey said...

Brandon is pretty convinced that you like him because of his frontal lobes.

Jennifer said...

i miss the old color scheme

and my jacket

Jennifer said...

oh, and you

Bexie Funk said...

you guys are so weird, talk like normal people please.

MOM THE BOMB said...

I sure do!

Emily Hamilton said...

What is a amygdala??
Just wondering. ...

poodle said...

amygdala is emotions.

frontal lobes are logic.