Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yay, spring

Spring is finally here. I am done with all of my finals but one and the weather is nice. Yesterday Brandon and I went hiking and I realized that I will have lots of things to do when I'm not in school. I'm excited about everything I will get to do this summer. I need to:

Learn how to sew
Learn how to take good pictures
Learn how to use photoshop well
Plant tomatoes and maybe a few other things
Move into our new, TWO bedroom apartment
Figure out how to decorate baby's room using only gender-neutral colors
Find a place to keep Brandon's rock collection (it gets 10 lbs bigger every time we go hiking)
Learn how to cook
And lots of other things.

As for this week, Brandon and I are taking advantage of the break to go on a road trip. We will hit Arches, Canyonlands, Mesa Verde, Escalante, and either Capitol Reef or Bryce Canyon. It will be fun, and there will be rocks. Lots of rocks.


Ashley Erin said...

i hope brandon likes sad-eyes as much as he likes rocks. (and by sad-eyes I do mean your fetus.)

Lindsey said...

If you insist on naming my baby something dumb, at least capitalize the name, Stoop dog

MOM THE BOMB said...

Have fun on your trip! We can cook when I'm there in May!

Bexie Funk said...

come and visit me and i'll teach you how to do most of those things. and we'll have fun. and i totally want to go see all those places