Friday, July 24, 2009


Yes, that is all I'm doing lately, so that's what everyone gets to hear about. Apparently, not a lot of people that buy ice cream are very smart. I always get people asking for ice cream on a cone with a topping. I always ask them if they want it in a bowl instead, and they look at me like they are really confused. I guess they don't realize that toppings don't stay on cones; they fall off. I'm pretty sure everyone is familiar with the shape of an ice cream cone so it should just be logical that toppings do not stay on a rounded surface without anything to catch them. It is especially annoying when they ask for something like caramel or raspberry topping. One of these days I am tempted to just put in on there and give it to them and let it drip all over their hands and say "Well, what did you think would happen?" As Bill Murray said in What about Bob, that was NOT SMART.


MOM THE BOMB said...

Perhaps they think you're Marble Slab and going to mix it in for them. By the way - where did the baby ticker go? I need to keep track of baby Harper!

BRANDON said...

I think my comparisons of its appearance to the Aliens suspended in containers in "Independence Day" left a sour taste in her mouth. I am really supprised that they haven't been able to make a baby tracker that didn't look bad.

BRANDON said...

Yeah, brandon complained about the "creepy baby thing" so much that I stopped liking it.


Bexie Funk said...

those ignorant people! they obviously don't know proper ice cream protocol.