Monday, December 07, 2009


A few weeks ago I was talking to Brandon about high school and I kept thinking about all the fun I had with Jennifer. Then last night I realized that with all those memories, I at least owe her a blog post. So here are just a few of the fun times we had:
-photo shoots
-the time when we went to dinner on the riverwalk, and felt so devious because it was a school night and our parents didn't know
-going to Firehouse Subs and for some reason trying to hide from her mom on the way home
-being late to school because we got breakfast tacos (or something like that, I mainly remember asking for a tardy pass from her English teacher)
-dressing up as twins during Homecoming week, then hearing some guys behind us refer to us as "hot twins" (we were so proud)
-trying out every restaurant in the San Antonio area
-Film club, and every other club at our high school
-picking jalapenos
-Jennifer calling my parents "Sister Reed and Brother Reed" because she thought it was funny
-going to Austin together and eating at the Denny's Diner
-always starting our Spanish essays with "Hoy en dia"
-staying up till 4 AM the night before I got married to make my wedding cake
-going kayaking together and rescuing some tubers that were stranded
-learning how to sing "Jesus en Pesebre" with my family on Christmas eve
-drawing pictures and writing notes in our classes
-"Girls' Night Out" with the moms at Paloma Blanca (we are totally doing it again next time I come visit, but this time Violet has to come)

And so many more. I miss you!


MOM THE BOMB said...

Good times! I miss Jennifer, too! I loved that she called me sister Reed.

Jennifer said...

This entry warms my heart. Thank you, Shady. I miss you tons.

I had forgotten the Firehouse Subs episode! But those sorts of incidents seemed to happen fairly frequently so I guess they've all blurred together. :)

Do you still have your Toshiro Mifune T-shirt?? You were a terrific designer for those Film Club shirts.

Ha, I loved learning how to sing "Jesus en Pesebre." And I was so excited to go caroling the next day... but then I woke up with a huge fever instead!! I was sooo bummed.

- Our super-tough bike ride through Rogers Ranch! You brought me along for a serious workout.

- Going to Brandon's family's house for a pre-wedding cookout! Everyone was so, so friendly. The burgers were great. And they had tons of shrimp, too, since that's apparently one of his favorite foods? :)

- Leaving a long standardized test in the middle of the day to go eat an off-campus Whataburger lunch in your car at the Wal-Mart parking lot!!! We were half scared, half thrilled. (That must've been during either our Statistics AP or Spanish AP exam? Or perhaps something else.)

- "We have a check on Jeff"

- Getting picked up by you at the SLC airport... you lost your parking ticket and we couldn't leave the airport until we found it tucked away somewhere obvious.. in your purse, I think? Hahaha.

- Hide and go seek around Christmastime with Carley & Matt & and his brother, I think? You & I stuck together and hid in a really, really dark spot in that grassy alley between two fences, and I think the seeker ran right by us!! You had to help me over the fence.. I was pretty clumsy. Hope I remembered that right, hahaha.

- Dying our hair!! That was fun.

- Our lovely voice-recorded PowerPoint on "La leyenda del callejón del beso." Fun times. I was a perfectionist and made us record everything a thousand times. Meanwhile we'd get distracted, e.g., you'd start braiding my hair into French pigtails. Then Mom would get mad at us for having too much fun and not working more quickly, haha.

- Carhopping (very briefly) at Sonic

- Speaking at your wedding reception. Truly a humbling honor.

- Not getting to go to the beach that one time (thanks a lot, Mom) but at least "Sister Reed" wanted us to go :)

- Going to the temple open house!! That place was really lovely.

- Oh, and el rio rojo...

OK, so some of those memories weren't from high school. Oh well!

Here's a few of my favorites from that wintertime photo shoot. (Might have to do some copy-pasting!)

Thanks for the memories, Baby Reed. :)

Lindsey said...

Do I still have that shirt? I was wearing it when I wrote the post. Seriously.

And one more: Getting in trouble on our Spanish field trip for going back to the bus and making everyone think we were missing.

Of course, that was only after you almost missed the whole trip and I had to remind you in Stats.

Graytoppop said...

Jennifer -- will you be in Houston during Christmas and New Years? Maybe MTB and I can get together with you....