Anyone want to see our new place? I guess since we've been living here for 3 weeks now it's not exactly new, but that's what happens when you don't have internet for that long. I will never forgive AT&T for that. As you can see it's much nicer than our last place and we now have all the furniture I built in high school. Yay.
-Back at school and is now a TA. He grades a lot of papers, so most of his nights look like the above picture.
-He has been elected as secretary of the GeoUnion, or whatever it is called. He has also been named the unofficial photographer for the geology department.
-He had 3 interviews for internships and a few more to come. I can't believe that he just finished his last internship and is already applying for one next summer.
-He did not take a job with the company he worked for over the summer. They loved him but he wants to finish school as quickly as possible, which means not working yet.
-He is going to Australia next summer for a conference. He may also go on a department field trip next year to Chile or Oman.
-He gets up with Violet every morning so that I can sleep in. He also takes her away when I have meltdowns. He's awesome.
-Calls herself Vyvet.
-Knows most letters in the alphabet and loves to point them out to me in books and signs.
-Knows her colors now.
-Has memorized the way to the zoo (and the park, and everything else) and when I pass the place where I should turn she points out the window and says, "Ammels! Ammels!" (Animals, animals)
-Loves M&Ms. Points to them and squeals at the grocery store.
-Is working on her pronunciation. When you asked her to say orange she used to say orgy. And when she wants a fork... well, just use your imagination.
-Thinks she is potty trained but just uses it as an excuse to get out of church meetings. "Uh-oh, poop. Stinky. Potty." And then I take her to the bathroom where she gets on the toilet and pretends to go, then says, "All done."
-Getting bigger every day.
-I bought ja cutest maternity dress at Target for $13.
-I have really low blood pressure which results in days where I can only stand for a few minutes at a time, but it's a great excuse to eat a bag of chips and a jar of pickles. Too bad I never buy those things...
-Baby is due December 20 and the sex will be a surprise. As will the name (not just for everyone else, but I'm pretty sure we will be coming up with a name as I am pushing this kid out. And I'm hoping it's born with a name tag.)
-Hmm... turns out the only interesting thing about me right now is in my uterus.
loved your post. can vyvet come visit, she's hilarious! and maybe she could teach graham a few things!
Actually Shady, there are a number of interesting things about you. You just didn't put htme in this post.....
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