Sunday, September 11, 2011

Now that internet is here

Anyone want to see our new place? I guess since we've been living here for 3 weeks now it's not exactly new, but that's what happens when you don't have internet for that long.  I will never forgive AT&T for that. As you can see it's much nicer than our last place and we now have all the furniture I built in high school.  Yay.

 What have we been doing, you ask?  Here's an update.
-Back at school and is now a TA.  He grades a lot of papers, so most of his nights look like the above picture.
-He has been elected as secretary of the GeoUnion, or whatever it is called. He has also been named the unofficial photographer for the geology department.
-He had 3 interviews for internships and a few more to come.  I can't believe that he just finished his last internship and is already applying for one next summer.
-He did not take a job with the company he worked for over the summer.  They loved him but he wants to finish school as quickly as possible, which means not working yet.
-He is going to Australia next summer for a conference.  He may also go on a department field trip next year to Chile or Oman.
-He gets up with Violet every morning so that I can sleep in.  He also takes her away when I have meltdowns. He's awesome.
-Calls herself Vyvet.
-Knows most letters in the alphabet and loves to point them out to me in books and signs.
-Knows her colors now.
-Has memorized the way to the zoo (and the park, and everything else) and when I pass the place where I should turn she points out the window and says, "Ammels!  Ammels!" (Animals, animals)
-Loves M&Ms.  Points to them and squeals at the grocery store.
-Is working on her pronunciation.  When you asked her to say orange she used to say orgy.  And when she wants a fork... well, just use your imagination.
-Thinks she is potty trained but just uses it as an excuse to get out of church meetings. "Uh-oh, poop. Stinky.  Potty."  And then I take her to the bathroom where she gets on the toilet and pretends to go, then says, "All done."

-Getting bigger every day.
-I bought ja cutest maternity dress at Target for $13.
-I have really low blood pressure which results in days where I can only stand for a few minutes at a time, but it's a great excuse to eat a bag of chips and a jar of pickles.  Too bad I never buy those things...
-Baby is due December 20 and the sex will be a surprise.  As will the name (not just for everyone else, but I'm pretty sure we will be coming up with a name as I am pushing this kid out.  And I'm hoping it's born with a name tag.)
-Hmm... turns out the only interesting thing about me right now is in my uterus.


Bexie Funk said...

loved your post. can vyvet come visit, she's hilarious! and maybe she could teach graham a few things!

Graytoppop said...

Actually Shady, there are a number of interesting things about you. You just didn't put htme in this post.....