Thursday, March 28, 2013

Recent excitement

Ah, the excitement of normal life. Last weekend, we went to a s'mores party hosted by a friend.  I was a huge fan of the idea. Violet was, too, and she went home asking when we could have a s'mores party in our backyard. I told her we could when we have a backyard.

Charlie insisted on roasting my marshmallow for me.

Violet wouldn't touch the burned marshmallows at first, but she got used to the idea. 
 And for the most exciting news, Violet finally earned her bike! She had been putting stickers on a chart for a month and at last filled it up.  She is beyond excited about it.

Watch out, world, here she comes.

1 comment:

Bexie Funk said...

Graham's legs are still not long enough for his bike!