Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New stuff

My personal blog has been lacking a bit lately.  I feel like no one cares about the blog when I don't post pictures, but when I do take pictures, they all go on my photo blog. I guess all my cell phone pictures will grace this blog.  Here's what I've been up to lately:
1. Being a high roller.  I know, I know, a picture of a hot dog doesn't make me look like a high roller.  But last week Brandon told me that there was a baseball game we could go to on Friday. I thought it was weird because he never watches baseball, but I figured that he got free tickets or something and I'm not one to pass up a date with my one true love.  That day, I realized that he was talking about an Astros game (I had assumed that he just meant a Rice game) and he pulled out the tickets when we got to Minute Maid Field.  To our surprise, there was a $15 credit tacked onto each of our tickets.  Brandon asked me what I was going to spend it on and without hesitation, I yelled, "Food!"  Then he looked at me and said, "There is already going to be food there."  Whaaaat? I was not expecting that.  After inspecting our tickets further we found out that we were supposed to go to the upper level where we found a sign that said "Private party" and there was a HUGE buffet and open bar.  Yes, I felt so cool about being part of a private party.  Then I got to meet Brandon's boss and advisor and have so many cokes with lime that I had to run to the bathroom 4 times during the game.  Fun night if you ask me, except that I thought that the Astros were the ones in gray and I spent the first 20 minutes of the game cheering for the wrong team.  
 2. Mooching off my mom.  It's true, I've been a mooch lately.  We headed out to her house for the weekend when our AC broke and I would be lying if I didn't say that I was at least a little bit happy about it.  She bought us snow cones for lunch (come on, I have the best mom, don't I?) and I even convinced her to give me the leopard print jacket that she had just bought.  I wore it to church on Sunday with a neon pink skirt. A little over-the-top, but I loved it.

3.  Having crazy kids.  No joke. Violet sleeps less than any other 3-year-old I've ever met, and has been pushing me into making her Halloween costume 3 months in advance.  Charlie's new thing is speaking in sentences, which is pretty funny.  He loves to talk about swimming (when we fed the ducks and turtles at the park, he constantly pointed out, "Turtle swimming!") and eating.  His first couple of sentences yesterday came right after he finished an Oreo: "All done!  Eat it all!" His next sentence was to tell me, "I pooping!"  Thanks for informing me, little guy.


Ashley Erin said...

your blog always makes me laugh.

Bexie Funk said...

so fun! i can't wait for october!

Sara said...

I think we need to live closer so our girls can wear each other out. When you write about Violet, I swear you could be talking about Cammie.

MOM THE BOMB said...

The jacket looks great on you! Ha! And there were some who thought I had wasted $9.99!