This summer got off to a great start. Remember that post about how I'm so on top of things and I'm a responsible adult now? Man, those were the good days. Too bad they only lasted a couple of weeks.
My AC is broken again. Not broken like how I thought my sewing machine was broken, but broken as in blowing smoke through my house. This is the third time this summer, and let's not forget the incident with the drivers license that took 2 weeks out of my life. And for some reason our AC always seems to break on a Friday, meaning all three times we have had to go the entire weekend in a sauna. So in case you were wondering exactly how inconvenient this is for me, I'm about to let it all out.
We live in sweat. My kids sleep in pools of their own sweat. We stink. We can't get a good breeze going through our house (since we only have windows on one side of the house), so it's actually hotter in here for much of the day than it is outside. The only way to sleep is with a fan blowing directly at your face, which is pretty annoying, because it blows the hair into my face and tickles like crazy. All of the food in our pantry has gone soggy from the humidity. We can't cook because turning on the oven makes it even hotter. So we have to subsist on fast food, since no one in their right mind wants to sit down at a restaurant with my grumpy, sweaty, homeless-looking kids. (I know that last part sounds mean, but it's kind of true. It's too hot to make them wear real clothes or maintain appearances. When we went to pick up the pizza tonight, Charlie was wearing no shoes or pants, and Violet was shoeless with a homemade necklace and a dollar-store tiara.) Because of all the fast food I'm about as limber as a beached whale right now, and if I don't drink at least twice as much as I normally do, I get terrible headaches.
On days like today, our mental and physical endurance has worn thin. By 8:00 Charlie was screaming and I was so hot, tired, and frustrated that I passed out on my bed and slept for 2 hours. Brandon was nice enough to stay up with Violet and put her to bed, but because of that he had to stay up 2 hours later to finish his presentation for tomorrow, and I feel terrible about that.
And I know exactly what everyone will say to this: Go stay at Mom's house! Tell your landlord you won't put up with this! That's nice, but going to my parents' house doesn't prevent me from having obligations here, and travelling out all the time is not my favorite thing. I live here, I have a life here. Brandon has a job here. Is it too much to ask to have a livable house here? And what exactly am I going to tell my landlord? I'm not going to put up with unexpected problems that he didn't cause that he is trying to have fixed? Is complaining going to make the repair company operate on weekends?
No. But it does make me feel a whole lot better right now.
I was just about to write a ranting post about how my day sucked, but yours sounds much worse.
Anyway, nobody has AC in Boston because the summers are so mild, but during heat waves we all put buckets of ice in front of our fans. It helps! Not as much as central AC obviously, but it's better than blowing hot air around.
Hang in there!
Or come out and stay a few days so Brandon can work on his thesis and we can get snow cones every day!
My vote is your Mom's. Ice cream or snow cones, she always has a cool treat!
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