When your mom calls you "Shady," you know you're socially awkward
I recently found out that some people think I'm rude, shallow, and even slightly unintelligent because I'm quiet.
I guess they didn't get the memo about my nickname being "Shady," my unnatural fear of talking to people, or the fact that I never left my room for the majority of my teenage years. Or heard the story about how I worked 3 hours with a 102 degree fever because I was too shy to ask my boss if if I could go home. As far as I'm concerned, I've come a long way.
My apologies. Next time I see you, I'll make sure to give you a big fat hug and ask your how your day went, and if you would like some homemade cookies. That'll prove I'm smart.
i think you are wonderful. but you can't be quiet around me; it's impossible. you talked to me almost the entire drive to st. george, remember? and you let me jump on you. only 20 days until i can do that again! i love you.
I was just thinking about you jumping on me on my way to school this morning! Maybe when you get back, we can have a jumping party like me, you, and Poodle did at Christmas!
that would be soooooo much fun. i think i'm going to leave DC early. I am going to try and change my ticket. i can't wait to jump on you! and this time there won't be a vidoecamera.
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