Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tagged again! How fun.

Link to the person who tagged you: Poodle
Post the rules on your blog
Write six random things about yourself
Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I dye the underside of my hair brown to add contrast to my hair.

2. I sleep much better since I've been married, except when Brandon talks in his sleep. Then I try to stay awake and listen to him because it's funny.

3. I am convinced that my kids will be the most photographed people in the world, because I LOVE my camera.

4. I want lots of pets. I almost took home one of Brandon's cats. He convinced me that it wasn't a good idea. Thanks, frontal lobes.

5. When I was a teenager, I went through a phase where I was mad at everything and sulked in my room most of the time.

6. I worry that when Brandon starts making money, I will spend it all. I've already started a mental list of things we need to get when he gets a real job. I could go crazy.

I tag Brandon, Landon Wiest, and BROTHER!!!


MOM THE BOMB said...

Does brother have a blog?

Bexie Funk said...

you took the words right out of my mouth. i have the same fear for when shawn makes money well, not a fear i'm just excited to spend money!

Lindsey said...

Yes, it's supisiqui.blogspot.com. He just never posts, but maybe I can make him.

Yeah Bexar maybe I'll come live by you and we can shop together when we actually have money.