What would you do if you had no job, no school, no kids, and very little money? That's where I am stuck right now. I feel like Mom, only I am in Provo instead of Mexico and I can't fly up and visit people every month. I am making a list of things to fill my time before the baby arrives.
1. Get a library card, as Fernash suggested. A good idea since the only books in our apartment have titles like
Applied Hydrogeology.2. Sew pillows for Mom's bed. The only thing between me and those pillows is not being able to find the perfect shade of purple at the fabric store. Life is tough.
3. Learn how to cook. Maybe if I start baking cookies all the time, people will want to be my friend. After all, Bexar is one popular girl.
4. Start editing our thousands of pictures. We have a brand-new computer; I just need to find someone who has photoshop.
5. Learn how to paint again, because after 4 years of not doing it, I really suck. I think I will start with the painting that Brandon started that he will now have no time to finish.