Friday, January 13, 2012

Cracks me up

So, Violet LOVES Charlie. Pretty much thinks he's the coolest thing in the world. And when she talks about him, she makes me laugh.

Violet: I want to feed Charlie.
Me: How do you plan on doing that?
Violet: With my big breasts!
Me: I don't think so. Only mommy can feed him.
Violet: Oh yeah. I have little ones.
(as Charlie is crying in the car)
Me: Violet, can you find Charlie's binkie?
Violet: No.
Me: Please? He really needs his binkie.
Violet: No, he's fine.


All Handleys on Deck! said...

Haha! The second one made me laugh out loud!! Love it!

elizabeth, eliza, liza, liz, elles, etc. said...

HILARIOUS. i love it.

Bexie Funk said...

i still can't believe she talks that much graham still mostly communicates in grunts.