Friday, February 21, 2014

Yay for weekends!

You know what makes my weekends really great? When Brandon is out of town.  Especially when he is gone two weekends in a row and the first one is for a class that he isn't even taking.  It makes me even more excited when it's the day after he has to stay at school until 10:45 PM welcoming the prospective grad students. Because between lab work, finishing three more papers for his thesis, and having everything done for graduation in three months, he has tons of time for this.

I just love sitting at home when I'm 25 weeks pregnant and putting the kids to bed by myself.  And I do really well having no one to talk to during the evening.  I'm totally not going to go to Sonic and eat my feelings in the form of a peanut butter hot fudge shake every night.  My favorite is going to be when I get to get the kids ready for 9:00 church and teach primary all by myself. 

Yeah, I thought you'd be jealous.


MOM THE BOMB said...

I'm jealous! Sorry I couldn't be here this weekend. I was looking forward to having y'all around.

Bexie Funk said...

I want a peanut butter fudge shake!