Saturday, August 23, 2008

Today I went hiking in my wedding dress

Just so that I could take this picture.

It's not the only one I have, though, so don't worry mom.

PS- Everyone go to Brandon's blog and congratulate him.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why Education Week sucks

This week is Education Week at BYU. For those who have never experienced it, it's like EFY for adults. They can get a "Campus Guest" pass which gets them into all sorts of classes hosted by BYU professors and Mormon celebrities. From what I hear, it's really great for the attendants. However, it sucks for the poor students who have to work at the Cougareat during that week. The good thing is that I get lots of hours. I work 7 hours/day this week. If you're scooping ice cream, 7 hours is a very long time. It gets a bit overwhelming. Here are the reasons why I hate it:

a sore back and arms from scooping rock-hard ice cream.
women who ask for a large when you know they can't handle more than a small and tell you it's too big when they get it.
old men who complain about how expensive our ice cream is. (seriously, $1.89 is ridiculously cheap for what we give)
not being able to sleep because I keep having dreams about ice cream and customers
women who ask for "BYU brownies" but don't specify which of our 6 different kinds they want.
women who wave their money in the air when they want our attention. some day I'll tell them it's not an auction.
women who ask if we have any sugar-free ice cream. the name of our store is Sugar n' Spice-- one would think they'd figure it out.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Like mother, like Shady

Everybody knows that Mom has a sweet tooth. I figured that out as soon as I was old enough to hunt down her candy stashes. I have always thought that I didn't get that sweet tooth-- I generally like salty foods. Living near Brandon's family changed my mind about that. They love sweet foods, but they are all about the sugary/fruity/sour variety. I was fine for the first few weeks, but pretty soon I started feeling like there was something missing in my life. That was chocolate. And ice cream and doughnuts. When Brandon's family went out of town, his mom told us that she had left us some candy in the closet. To my disappointment, the candy consisted of redvines and cinnamon bears. As much as I love cinnamon bears, I yearned for chocolate. Now that I'm back, I've never been happier to go to work where I can sample ice cream and gaze at doughnuts all day. And I am waiting for the next holiday to be over so that I can start my very own stash of 75% off chocolate candy. Mom, I never knew how much I was like you.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's over!

Brandon and I finally found a place to live! It's really tiny, but it's close to campus, pretty nice, and only $515/month. We are going to sign a contract tomorrow. Hooray!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

The great housing quest

Brandon and I have had all sorts of bad luck finding housing. I think it all started in April with the landlady that made an appointment with me to show an apartment, didn't show up, and when I called back, told me that the apartment I had looked at was never available anyways. So we found a place for the summer, thinking that we would have all summer long to find a place for fall. But alas, we moved to Idaho. There we had a choice between living in a smelly, spider-infested basement and living at Brandon's parents' house. We chose the basement, where we actually killed 20 spiders in one night. Big ones, too. Now we are back in our nice apartment with three weeks to find a place to live. It's hard, considering that apartments are usually gone within a day of being posted. Of course, that's only if you are able to contact the person who posted them. I emailed about one apartment on Saturday and never got a reply, then this morning I found it posted somewhere else with a phone number. I called and nobody answered. Very typical. To get into Wymount, you have to be the first to click on an apartment when they are posted at 4:00. We sat by the computer for 15 minutes before 4:00 today and finally saw a highlighted apartment at 4 on the dot. But by the time Brandon clicked on it, someone had already gotten to it. It was gone in literally less than a second.

As you can probably tell, I'm pretty frustrated about the whole thing. Hopefully this will be over within a few days.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Last days in Idaho

I know, I haven't posted in a long time. My last weekend in Idaho was fun. Brandon and I went boating with his cousins at Bear Lake. Here is what we did:

Lane, Brandon, and McKay is buried in the mud. I was mostly with them all day.

McKay emerging from the sand.

We played king of the tube until Lane elbowed me in the face. Ouch--bloody nose.

Then we rode a giant banana behind the boat.

On our way home, McKay and Lane were really excited about asking me questions about girls and McKay named me his official dating advisor. I think someone should write a book about McKay, because he's one of the most interesting people I know. He once lived in a tent for the entire month of January for some really dumb reason. He wears basketball shorts under all of his clothes (even to church) so that he can be as comfortable as possible. However, I didn't know this at first, so on my first Sunday in Idaho, I was a little freaked out when McKay started to take his pants off in front of me. A few nights ago he tried to chase the skunk that I found in his garage because he wanted to say that he's been sprayed by a skunk. To his disappointment, the skunk just ran away.

Anyways, now I am back in Provo trying to find a place to live. Brandon and I have three weeks to find a place for the fall, and for married couples, that is pretty hard.